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When Jesus spoke of metaphors like: I am the vine, I am the good shepherd, I am the light of the world, I am the door, etc… did the following happen:

  • After Jesus presented these metaphors, did many disciples leave Jesus and no longer accompany him? 66
  • After presenting these metaphors, did Jesus ask if the 12 disciples were going to leave him too? 67
  • Did angry arguments break out when describing these metaphors? 52
  • Did anyone believe that these metaphors were “not metaphors” and should be taken “literally,” like in verses 52 and 60.
  • Did Jesus give ultimatums with these metaphors that threaten the disciples eternal salvation, like verse 53?
  • With any of these metaphors, did Jesus have to make a statement to legitimize himself that he is the Son of God and can do anything, including ascend to heaven. 62
  • Did Jesus give “literal imagery” several times when presenting these metaphors?
  • For any of these metaphors, did the disciples say, this metaphor is hard, who can accept it? 60
  • Did Jesus describe these metaphors and then say, do these metaphors shock you? 61

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